DarDar Rooftop Restaurant entre esprit novateur & traditions

DarDar Rooftop Restaurant entre esprit novateur & traditions

It's an address that perfectly reflects today's Marrakech. Everywhere, tradition meets modernity. A respect for the past that DarDar has managed to exploit to the full without ever betraying the DNA of a city, a decorative craftsmanship and a cuisine whose appeal - for locals and tourists alike - has never ceased to exist. By Emilie Niel www.tendances-restauration.com.

Lose yourself in the alleyways of the Medina, following the delicate scent of orange blossom, or the more pungent scent of one of the city's tanneries; catch a glimpse of Marrakchi life through the prying eyes of a half-open bab al-riad (“riad door”)... and soak up this world of secret porches and confidential interiors, where pools, zelliges and lush vegetation blend harmoniously, and time seems suspended.
The tone is set: the road to DarDar Rooftop is itself an experience in its own right. 
Arriving at 4 Riad Zitoun Kedim, the restaurant slowly reveals itself as you climb the few steps to the 1st floor.